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The Impact of a High-Fiber Diet on Type 2 Diabetes


Clinical trial finds that a high fiber diet improves gut and emotional health in diabetics

Individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) often experience imbalances in their gut microbiota, along with psychiatric comorbidities like depression and anxiety.

Clinical Trial

A clinical trial investigated the effects of a high-fiber diet on the gut microbiota, serum metabolism, and emotional well-being of T2DM patients. Participants with T2DM were assigned to either consume a high-fiber diet or follow their regular diet as a control group. Glucose homeostasis, serum metabolome, systemic inflammation, and psychiatric comorbidities were assessed before and after the dietary intervention.


The high-fiber diet improved glucose homeostasis among the participants with T2DM. Additionally, dietary intervention positively influenced the serum metabolome, systemic inflammation, and psychiatric comorbidities. The abundance of beneficial gut microbes, including Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Akkermansias, increased in response to the high-fiber diet. On the other hand, the abundance of opportunistic pathogens like Desulfovibrio and Klebsielladecreased.


The high-fiber diet positively impacted the gut microbiota composition, resulting in improved serum metabolism and emotional well-being for T2DM patients. The high-fiber diet created a healthier gut environment by increasing the presence of beneficial gut microbes and reducing the abundance of harmful pathogens.

The changes in gut microbiota composition induced by the high-fiber diet played a crucial role in improving the overall health of T2DM patients. Not only did the dietary intervention positively influence glucose control, but it also had a broader impact on serum metabolome and emotional mood. By promoting a balanced and diverse gut microbiota, the high-fiber diet offered potential benefits for T2DM patients beyond glycemic control.


This study proves that a high-fiber diet can positively modulate the gut microbiota, improving serum metabolism and emotional well-being for individuals with T2DM. Incorporating more fiber-rich foods into the diet may be a valuable strategy for managing T2DM and its associated comorbidities, highlighting the importance of a healthy gut in overall health and well-being.

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