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Clinical Trial evaluates a New Approach for Heart Disease Treatment


Clinical trial finds that treating coronary artery disease with L-Sandwich technique is effective

Heart disease is a leading cause of death worldwide, and one of the most common types of heart disease is coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the heart become blocked, leading to chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, and even heart attacks.

This clinical trial explores the efficacy of the L-sandwich strategy for the treatment of true coronary artery bifurcation lesions.

True coronary bifurcation lesions are a specific type of coronary artery disease that occurs when there is a blockage in the artery where it branches off into two smaller arteries.  Coronary bifurcation lesions account for about 15%–20% of total coronary lesions, of which true bifurcation lesions account for 30%–40%. The traditional two-stent procedure for the treatment of coronary bifurcation lesions is complicated with many intraoperative and postoperative complications that still represent a challenge for interventional cardiologists.

In recent years, doctors and researchers have been exploring new ways to treat coronary artery bifurcation lesions, including a new strategy called the "L-Sandwich" strategy. The L-Sandwich strategy involves using two stents to create a sandwich around the blocked area, with one stent placed in the main artery and the other in the branch artery. This technique helps to improve blood flow to the heart and reduce the risk of future blockages. However, strong clinical studies to determine the effectiveness of this technique have been deficient.

Clinical Trial

A clinical trial tested the effectiveness of the L-Sandwich strategy for treating true coronary bifurcation lesions. The trial involved 99 patients with this type of blockage, who were randomly assigned to either receive the L-Sandwich strategy, two-stent strategy, or single stent plus DCB strategy. Angiography outcomes and major adverse cardiac events were analyzed at 6 months.


The results of the clinical trial showed that the L-Sandwich strategy was equally effective as traditional stenting in improving blood flow to the heart and reducing the risk of future blockages. The trial also found that the L-Sandwich strategy was safe and well-tolerated by patients, with no major complications reported during the follow-up period.

This new approach has the potential to revolutionize the way coronary artery disease is treated, particularly in cases of true coronary bifurcation lesions as this technique is a much simpler procedure compared to the traditional techniques. In short, the L-sandwich technique offers a promising new option for patients with this type of heart disease.


The clinical trial demonstrates that the L-Sandwich strategy may be a new and effective approach to treating true coronary bifurcation lesions. It is equally effective as traditional stenting in improving blood flow to the heart and reducing the risk of future blockages. If you have heart disease or are at risk for heart disease, talk to your doctor about the L-Sandwich strategy and whether it may be right for you.

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