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Improving Work Performance in Adults with ADHD


Clinical trial finds that telehealth interventions benefit the work life of adults with ADHD

Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often face unique challenges in the workplace. ADHD can impact their work performance in various ways. Individuals with ADHD may struggle to focus on tasks, leading to frequent distractions and difficulty completing projects on time.

Organizational skills may be compromised, making prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively challenging. Impulsivity can also affect decision-making and lead to impulsive actions or comments that may not be well-received professionally. However, with proper accommodations, therapy, and medication, many adults with ADHD can excel in their careers and use their creative and innovative thinking.

Clinical Trial

Telehealth interventions may help adults with ADHD thrive in their work environments. A clinical trial evaluated the effectiveness of a personalized, metacognitive telehealth program called Work-MAP in boosting the work performance of adults with ADHD. The study focused on measuring how well participants achieved their self-selected work goals, improvements in their executive functions (like planning and organization), and their overall quality of life.

In this research, 46 adults with ADHD were divided into two groups. Group A, consisting of 31 participants, received the Work-MAP telehealth intervention, which involved 11 weekly one-hour individual sessions. Group B, comprising 15 individuals, had to wait before starting the intervention.


After completing the Work-MAP intervention, participants demonstrated significant improvements in all the measured areas, and these improvements were maintained for up to three months after the intervention. These substantial improvements indicated that the intervention had a strong-to-moderate positive impact.

The Work-MAP teleintervention improved work participation, executive functions, and the overall quality of life for adults with ADHD. This means that adults with ADHD can experience meaningful improvements in their job performance and overall well-being through tailored telehealth interventions. These findings underline the significance of using evidence-based strategies and support for individuals with ADHD to help them succeed in the workplace.

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This study underscores the potential benefits of telehealth interventions like Work-MAP in assisting adults with ADHD in their work lives. These interventions can significantly enhance their work performance, executive functions, and overall quality of life, ultimately contributing to a better and more fulfilling professional and personal life for individuals with ADHD.

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