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Clinical Trial shows Hybrid APC provides Safer and Faster Treatment for Endometriosis


Clinical trial confirms that HybridAPC is safer and faster for treating endometriosis

Endometriosis is a common gynecological condition where tissue similar to that lining the uterus grows outside of it. It can cause significant abdominal pain and impaired fertility. Laparoscopic excision techniques are the current standard for treatment. However, a technique called HybridAPC shows promise as a safer and faster method for treating peritoneal endometriosis.

What is HybridAPC?

HybridAPC is a technique for the non-contact thermal ablation of peritoneal endometriosis. It involves creating a needle-free elevated fluid cushion that protects the underlying thermosensitive structures during treatment. This allows for safer exposure and distance, potentially leading to improved peritoneal conditioning before treatment with argon plasma coagulation (APC).

How Does HybridAPC Compare to Sharp Excision?

In a randomized clinical trial, 39 patients with 132 superficial endometriotic lesions were treated with either HybridAPC or sharp excision in an initial laparoscopic procedure according to randomization. In a second-look laparoscopy, adhesion formation was rated macroscopically, and histologic samples were taken from previously treated areas for evaluation of the eradication rate.

The results showed that the eradication rate was not significantly different between HybridAPC treatment and sharp excision (65 vs. 81%). Adhesions formed in 5% of HybridAPC-treated lesions and in 10% after sharp excision. HybridAPC treatment was significantly faster than sharp excision (69 vs. 106 s). No intra- and postoperative complications were registered.

What are the Benefits of HybridAPC?

HybridAPC shows promise as a safer, tissue-preserving, and faster method for treating peritoneal endometriosis. It is a non-contact technique that protects underlying thermosensitive structures, potentially leading to improved peritoneal conditioning before treatment. In addition, it was significantly faster than sharp excision and had a similar eradication rate with a lower rate of adhesion formation.

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Endometriosis is a serious gynecological condition that can cause significant abdominal pain and impaired fertility. Laparoscopic excision techniques are the current standard for treatment. However, HybridAPC shows promise as a safer and faster method for treating peritoneal endometriosis. This clinical trial demonstrates the feasibility of this novel surgical technique with a promising impact on adhesion prevention. Further studies are needed to confirm the efficacy and safety of this technique, but it is a promising development in the treatment of endometriosis.


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