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If Favipiravir is so Effective against COVID-19, why is no one in the US Talking About It?

Jul 12, 2020 by CenTrial

Favipiravir is highly effective against COVID-19

A recently concluded double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial in Bangladesh added to the growing evidence that Favipiravir is very effective against COVID-19.

50 COVID-positive patients received Favipira treatment, and after just four days, nearly half of them were COVID-19 negative, and by the 10th day, 96% were clear of the virus. This was 44% more effective than the placebo, showed three times the lung function improvement, and had no significant side effects.

Favipiravir is now approved in Russia, China, and India, and the Bangladesh trial has provided evidence for its approval there as well.

The drug, known as Avigan, was the property of Japan's Toyama Chemical (Fujifilm Group) until 2019 when it became generic.

The US Department of Defense spent over $200 million testing the drug five years ago but has been strangely silent about its effectiveness against the COVID-19 virus.

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