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A Breath of Fresh Air: Air Quality Improvements for Better Sleep


Clinical trial finds that using an air purifier with HEPA filter can improve sleep

Insufficient sleep is a widespread concern that affects public health. Finding ways to improve sleep quality and duration is crucial. One avenue worth exploring is the impact of environmental factors like air quality on sleep.

Clinical Trial

A pilot clinical trial investigated how an air purifier could influence sleep and mood in 30 healthy adults. The study had two conditions: an air purifier equipped with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter and an air purifier containing a placebo filter. Participants experienced both conditions, each lasting for two weeks, with a 2-week break in between. This design ensured the study was balanced and double-blind, meaning neither the participants nor the researchers knew which condition they were in at any given time.

To assess the impact of the air purifiers, researchers collected daily data on sleep using actigraphy watches and sleep diaries. They also evaluated daily mood using the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule. Before and after the study, participants completed questionnaires such as the Insomnia Severity Index, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and assessments for symptoms of anxiety and depression.

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When using the air purifier with the HEPA filter, participants experienced an increase in their total sleep time, averaging an extra 12 minutes per night. They also spent more time in bed, averaging an additional 19 minutes per night compared to the placebo. These findings suggest that cleaner air may contribute to better sleep duration and sleep habits.

However, not all aspects of sleep and mood saw improvements. Some outcomes showed no significant changes, and in the HEPA filter condition, participants had more time awake after initially falling asleep. It's essential to consider that air quality was better when using the HEPA filter.


Environmental interventions to improve air quality can positively affect sleep outcomes in generally healthy individuals who don't have clinical sleep disorders. While more research is needed to confirm and expand on these findings, it underscores the potential benefits of addressing environmental factors like air quality in the pursuit of better sleep, which is essential for overall health and well-being.

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