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Amygdala Control via Neurofeedback for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


Clinical trial finds that realtime neurofeedback enabled PTSD sufferers to control their emotions

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can affect individuals who have experienced traumatic events. One of the critical neural markers associated with PTSD is the hyperactivation of the amygdala, a small but powerful structure in the brain responsible for processing emotions, especially fear and anxiety. Better control over the amygdala's activity could be crucial to successful PTSD treatment.

Clinical Trial

clinical trial investigated the effectiveness of a real-time fMRI neurofeedback intervention designed to help individuals with PTSD regulate their amygdala activity after recalling traumatic memories. In this clinical trial, twenty-five patients diagnosed with PTSD participated. They were randomly divided into two groups: active experimental and control groups. The active group comprised 14 individuals, while the control group had 11 participants. During the neurofeedback training sessions, all participants were exposed to personalized trauma scripts to trigger amygdala activity associated with their traumatic experiences.

The key difference between the two groups was the feedback type they received. In the active experimental group, participants received real-time feedback based on their amygdala activity. They were taught to downregulate this activity while exposed to the traumatic script. In contrast, the control group received yoked-sham feedback unrelated to their amygdala activity.

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After completing the neurofeedback training, the researchers measured two primary outcomes. First, they assessed the participants' ability to control their amygdala activity. The active group showed significant improvements in this aspect compared to the control group, suggesting that neurofeedback training was effective in helping them gain better control over their amygdala.

Secondly, the researchers evaluated the reduction in PTSD symptoms as a secondary outcome. Both groups demonstrated improvements in their symptom scores. However, there was no significant difference in symptom reduction between the active and control groups. While both groups benefited from the intervention, considerable improvement in amygdala control in the active group highlighted the potential clinical utility of neurofeedback in treating PTSD.


This study provides valuable insights into the potential use of neurofeedback for PTSD treatment. The findings suggest that training individuals to regulate their amygdala activity through neurofeedback could be a promising approach. However, further research with larger sample sizes is needed to confirm and expand upon these results. Ultimately, this study represents a step forward in improving the lives of individuals with PTSD.

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