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Clinical Trial advocates a New Approach in Sepsis Management


Clinical trial recognizes early warning system helpful in administering antibiotics for sepsis

Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that requires extensive medical management. But despite best efforts, the death rate continues to be high.

A clinical trial has investigated the effect of using a provider and pharmacist in the emergency department for the optimum administration of life-saving antibiotics.

Sepsis is a serious condition that occurs when the body's response to infection becomes dysregulated, leading to damage to multiple organ systems and potentially resulting in death. Prompt administration of antibiotics is critical in the treatment of sepsis, and delays in treatment can lead to poor outcomes for patients.

As medical technology and knowledge continue to advance, constant breakthroughs are being made to improve patient outcomes. One such breakthrough is using a provider and pharmacist-facing sepsis early warning system in emergency departments, which has been shown to significantly improve the timeliness of antibiotic administration.


The study has shed light on the results of a clinical trial aimed at implementing such a system in emergency departments.

Clinical Trial

The clinical trial involved 598 patients who presented to the emergency department of a  hospital over 5 months. These patients were divided into two groups. 285 patients received augmented care with a provider and pharmacist while 313 patients received standard sepsis care. Time to antibiotic administration from arrival was measured in all these patients.

The clinical study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a sepsis early warning system that alerts healthcare providers and pharmacists to potential cases of sepsis so that they can take action quickly. The system uses electronic health record data to identify patients who meet certain criteria indicating a high risk of sepsis. The alerts are then sent to providers and pharmacists via a secure messaging system, allowing for quick action to be taken.

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The clinical trial found that the implementation of the sepsis early warning system led to a significant improvement in the timeliness of antibiotic administration. Specifically, the average time to antibiotic administration was 2.3 h in the augmented group compared to 3.0 h in the control group. This is a significant improvement, as delays in antibiotic administration have been linked to increased morbidity and mortality in patients with sepsis.

The clinical study also found that the sepsis early warning system led to an increase in the number of days alive and out of the hospital at 28 days (24.1 vs 22.5 days).

Overall, the results of this study highlight the potential benefits of implementing a sepsis early warning system in emergency departments. The system has been shown to improve the timeliness of antibiotic administration and increase the number of patients who receive antibiotics within the recommended timeframe. This can ultimately lead to improved outcomes for patients with sepsis.


This clinical trial advocates the use of a sepsis early warning system incorporating a provider and pharmacist for septic patients presenting to the emergency department. This is significant for the healthcare provider as this system reduces the burden on the healthcare staff and improves patient outcomes.

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