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Does taking Metformin in Pregnancy reduce Childhood Obesity?


Clinical trial finds that taking metformin during pregnancy does not reduce the risk of childhood obesity

Childhood obesity is a concerning health issue that has risen in recent years. It can have long-term health consequences, including an increased risk of developing chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Maternal obesity during pregnancy has been identified as a risk factor for childhood obesity, as it can affect the baby's development and metabolism even before birth.

Clinical Trial

Researchers have conducted randomized trials to explore potential interventions to reduce adverse outcomes associated with maternal obesity during pregnancy. One such intervention is metformin, a medication commonly used to treat type 2 diabetes, evaluated in clinical trials for its potential to reduce the risk of childhood obesity.

In a randomized trial called GRoW, 513 women who were overweight or obese during pregnancy were randomly assigned to receive either metformin or a placebo. Their children's health was assessed at ages six and 18 months and three to five years. The primary outcome measured was the body mass index (BMI) z-score, which indicates whether a child's weight is above or below the 85th centile for their age and sex.


The results showed that the number of children with a BMI above the 85th centile was always similar between the metformin and placebo groups. At 18 months and three to five years, more than half of the children in both groups had a BMI z-score above the 85th centile, indicating a high risk of childhood obesity. This means there was no evidence of a benefit of metformin in reducing the risk of childhood obesity in children born to women with overweight or obesity during pregnancy.

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These findings suggest that interventions during pregnancy, such as metformin, may not effectively reduce the longer-term risks of childhood obesity. However, it's important to note that this study only looked at one specific intervention and may not capture the full range of potential interventions for addressing childhood obesity.

Childhood obesity is a complex issue influenced by various factors, including genetics, diet, physical activity, and environmental factors. While maternal obesity during pregnancy is a known risk factor, addressing childhood obesity requires a comprehensive approach that includes healthy lifestyle behaviors for both parents and children.

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