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A Clinical Trial investigates Ixekizumab to treat Arthritis of the Spine


Clinical trial finds ixekizumab effective in treating arthritis of the spine

If you are suffering from long-term back pain, there is a chance that you might have arthritis of the spine called axial spondyloarthritis. A clinical trial investigates the safety and effectiveness of a drug called ixekizumab in the treatment of axial spondyloarthritis. 

Axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) is a type of arthritis that primarily affects the spine and can cause chronic pain and stiffness. It can cause damage visible on X-ray (Radiographic axSpA /ankylosing spondylitis) or damage that doesn’t show up on X-rays (non-radiographic axSpA). It is a systemic disease, which means it may affect other body parts and organs. The disease tends to run in families.

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a substance in the blood that is often elevated in people with inflammation, including those with axSpA. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can also be used to detect inflammation in the spine.

Ixekizumab is a medication used to treat inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. It is a high-affinity monoclonal antibody that selectively targets receptors in the body that are responsible for axSpA.

A clinical trial published in the journal Rheumatology investigated the effectiveness of Ixekizumab in patients with radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, with or without elevated C-reactive protein or positive magnetic resonance imaging.

The clinical study involved 657 patients with axSpA. These patients were divided into two groups; one group had elevated CRP levels before the treatment while the other group did not. These patients were given Ixekizumab and followed for 52 weeks after which their blood CRP levels and spine MRI scans were performed.

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The results of the clinical trial showed that Ixekizumab was effective in reducing disease activity in both groups of patients. In both groups, the patients who received Ixekizumab had a greater reduction in disease activity compared to those who did not receive Ixekizumab.

These findings are significant because they demonstrate that Ixekizumab is effective in treating axSpA, regardless of whether a patient has elevated CRP or positive MRI results. This is important because some patients with axSpA may not have elevated CRP levels or positive MRI results, which can make diagnosis and treatment more difficult.

The trial also demonstrated that Ixekizumab was generally well-tolerated by the patients in the study, with few serious side effects reported.


The clinical trial suggests that Ixekizumab is an effective treatment option for patients with axSpA, regardless of their CRP levels or MRI results. This is a promising finding for patients who have previously struggled with diagnosing and treating their condition. However, it is important for patients to consult a doctor before starting any new medication for axial spondyloarthritis so that an informed decision can be made according to their individual needs.
Oxford Rheumatology Journal, Feb-21-22
ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02696785, NCT02696798

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