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New Wearable Device Accurately Tracks Blood Sugar

Jun 24, 2020 by Kamran Ahmed

No needles required with this new blood monitoring technology

Scientists have developed a prototype wearable device that accurately trackes blood sugar levels. The new device emits electromagnetic waves and translates the signals reflected from blood vessels and tissue into blood sugar-level readings. 


Changes in glucose levels can significantly alter the composition of blood. These changes are represented by the magnitude and phase shifts of the reflected waves, which the investigators used to convert them into blood glucose levels through data analytics. 


The novel technology uses two sensors placed in distant parts of the body to generate relevant data. The fully-functioning prototype was made by placing these sensors in a wristband and glove. They can also be incorporated into any wearable item, such as an arm-band, a necklace, or even a sock. 


"A non-invasive continuous system will allow us to follow closely on glycemic variations leading to better and more comfortable diabetes management. Checking your glucose level becomes as simple as checking your phone," said Joseph Constantine, co-author of the study and associate professor at the American University of Beirut. 


Constantine and associates conducted a clinical trial of the prototype on 21 healthy volunteers who wore it during three separate oral glucose-tolerance tests. The results were promising, to say the least, showing a significant correlation between the device's readings and the actual glucose-levels. 


Traditional glucose-monitoring devices usually require a droplet of blood to be drawn out of the body by finger-pricking. Moreover, the results obtained from these are only for one specific point in time. 


This ground-breaking device eliminates the discomfort caused by finger-pricking and provides continuous monitoring of blood sugar. It has shown high accuracy in initial testing stages, but there is still a long way to go for it to become a new go-to for diabetes patients.

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