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Cats Can Get COVID-19 and Transmit It

May 14, 2020 by Christian Signorino

Cats are susceptible to COVID-19 and can also transmit it to other cats, a new study confirms. A study led by Prof. Yoshihiro Kawaoka shows cats are prone to COVID-19 from a human host, and then can transmit it to other cats.

Cats can get COVID-19

A recent article posted by Science Daily tells how three cats were placed in three different cages, injected with COVID-19, and isolated from a human patient. The next day, researches placed a COVID-19-free cat in each cage. Within three days, COVID-19 was detectable in the three cats that were injected with it. Six days later, the three cats that were placed in the cages were now shedding the virus. Even though every cat had the virus, none of them fell ill; and ultimately each cat cleared the virus.

Not only does this prove cats are prone to contracting COVID-19 from their owners, but they can also transmit it to other cats in a very short time. This could mean pet owners all over the world should be wary of transmitting this disease to their furry little companions. Although, director of the Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory states "Cats are still much more likely to get COVID-19 from you, rather than ou get it from a cat."

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