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Comparing Intravenous Infusion vs Gargling to Reduce Discomfort after Surgery


Clinical trial shows intravenous infusion is superior to gargling in treating post-surgery sore throat

If you've had surgery under general anesthesia, you might be familiar with the discomfort that comes after the removal of the tube that helps you breathe during the procedure. This discomfort can include symptoms like a sore throat and cough. However, a clinical trial has shown that there may be an effective way to reduce these symptoms.

Clinical Trial

The trial looked at the effectiveness of two different treatments in reducing the discomfort that follows the removal of the breathing tube. The first treatment involved an intravenous infusion of a mixture of two medications called lidocaine and remifentanil. The second treatment involved gargling the same mixture of medications. The study aimed to determine which treatment was more effective in reducing discomfort after surgery.

The clinical trial involved 76 people who had undergone surgery under general anesthesia and received the breathing tube during the procedure. These people were split into two groups, with one group receiving the intravenous infusion of the medication mixture, and the other group receiving the medication mixture by gargling it.

The researchers looked at several different factors to determine the effectiveness of the two treatments. They measured things like heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory symptoms like coughing and hoarseness. They also measured pain levels using a scale called the Visual Analog Scale.


The trial found that there were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of heart rate, blood pressure, or respiratory symptoms. This means that both treatments were equally effective in reducing these symptoms. However, the study did find a difference in pain levels. The group that received the intravenous infusion of the medication mixture reported lower pain levels than the group that received the medication mixture by gargling it.

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Overall, the trial suggests that the intravenous infusion of the medication mixture may be more effective in reducing pain levels after surgery. This could lead to a more comfortable and faster recovery for people who have had surgery under general anesthesia and received the breathing tube.

While the results are promising, more research is needed to determine whether this treatment is effective on a larger scale. Medical professionals will continue to study this treatment to see if it can be used more widely to improve postoperative recovery.


If you're scheduled to undergo surgery under general anesthesia and receive the breathing tube, you may experience discomfort after the tube is removed. However, treatments like an intravenous infusion of a medication mixture may be able to reduce the discomfort you feel, particularly in terms of pain. If you're experiencing discomfort after surgery, it's important to talk to your doctor about the different treatments that are available to you. They can help you decide which treatment is right for you and your individual needs.


JHNPS, Dec-15-22

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