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Solriamfetol's Driving Breakthrough for Narcolepsy Patients


Clinical trial shows that solriamfetol improves driving safety in narcolepsy patients

A clinical trial has revealed exciting news for individuals with narcolepsy who struggle with daytime sleepiness and impaired driving. Researchers investigated a medication called solriamfetol and found that it could significantly improve driving performance just two hours after taking it. 

Narcolepsy is a chronic condition that causes excessive sleepiness during the day. For people with narcolepsy, driving safely can be difficult due to unpredictable sleep attacks. Many individuals rely on stimulant medications to manage their symptoms and stay awake, but it was unclear how these medications affected driving abilities. Until now, there has been a lack of scientific evidence on the direct impact of these medications on driving performance.


Clinical Trial

Researachers conducted a trial to determine the effects of solriamfetol on driving performance in narcolepsy patients. The trial involved 24 participants who underwent a 1-hour on-road driving test after taking solriamfetol or a placebo for seven days. They measured the participants' standard deviation of lateral position (SDLP) at 2 and 6 hours after taking the medication. This SDLP measurement reflects how well a driver maintains a steady position on the road.


The trial found that participants who took solriamfetol showed a significant improvement in their driving performance just two hours after taking the medication. The SDLP measurement was lower (better) for those on solriamfetol compared to those who took the placebo. This means that solriamfetol helped narcolepsy patients drive more steadily and safely. However, the benefits of solriamfetol were not as noticeable 6 hours after taking the medication. The trial suggests that solriamfetol when taken at a dosage of 300 mg/day, can enhance driving performance in narcolepsy patients shortly after taking it.

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Side Effects

During the trial, some participants experienced mild side effects such as headaches, decreased appetite, and feeling sleepy. However, these side effects were generally manageable and not severe. The researchers closely monitored the participants' safety throughout the trial. If someone with narcolepsy is considering solriamfetol or any other medication, it's crucial for them to discuss the potential benefits and risks with their healthcare provider.


This groundbreaking trial brings hope to individuals with narcolepsy who struggle with driving safely. The results show that solriamfetol can significantly improve driving performance in as little as two hours after taking the medication. By reducing deviations from the proper driving position, solriamfetol helps narcolepsy patients maintain a steady course on the road. These findings highlight solriamfetol's potential as an effective treatment option for narcolepsy. More research and long-term studies are needed to confirm these results and understand the sustained benefits of solriamfetol on driving performance and overall quality of life for individuals with narcolepsy.


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