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Can Nicotine or Cannabis Damage Your Baby’s Brain?


Clinical trial determines no significant effects of cannabis or nicotine on baby brain development

Pregnancy can be an exciting yet scary time for a woman. You get all sorts of advice on the Dos and Don'ts of pregnancy.

Nicotine, contained in cigarettes, and cannabis are common recreational drugs these days. It is a common perception that the use of nicotine and cannabis by pregnant mothers can negatively affect the brain development of the baby. However, strong clinical data on these topics was lacking.

Recently, a clinical trial was conducted to explore the effects of the use of nicotine and cannabis in pregnant women, on the brain development of subsequently born babies.
Nicotine is a chemical substance that's found in all tobacco products, including cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. It is a highly addictive substance that keeps you smoking.

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is a naturally occurring drug found in the cannabis plant. It is a psychoactive drug that is used for recreational purposes as it elevates mood and relieves anxiety.

A clinical study was conducted recently to evaluate the effects of nicotine and cannabis use during pregnancy on the brain development of the subsequently born baby.

The clinical trial included 1197 pregnant females. Of these, 99 tested positive for nicotine, 47 for cannabis, and 33 tested positive for both drugs. IQ levels and attention scores of the babies born to these mothers were calculated at 5 years and 2 years respectively.

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The results of the clinical study showed that the average IQ score in the nicotine-exposed group was 90 while the cannabis-exposed group had a score of 89. The average IQ of the unexposed babies was 95.

This demonstrates that there was no significant difference in the IQ levels of the babies who were exposed to nicotine or cannabis compared to the babies who were not exposed to these drugs. However, the clinical trial also showed that cannabis exposure was associated with lower attention scores in the exposed babies.

The clinical trial further concluded that the use of nicotine and cannabis in pregnancy was safe concerning their effects on the brain function of the exposed babies after birth.

In conclusion, this clinical trial has provided strong evidence that the use of nicotine and cannabis by pregnant mothers does not affect the mental functions of their babies. This is in contrast to the generally believed notion that these drugs negatively affect the IQ levels of the exposed babies.

However, it is important to note that both these drugs have other harmful effects on the human body and they should be used with caution.

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