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Intranasal Accupuncture vs Western Medicine for Allergic Rhinitis


Clinical trial shows intranasal accupuncture is more effective than Western medicine in treating allergic rhinitis

If you suffer from persistent allergic rhinitis (PAR), you know how uncomfortable and bothersome it can be. PAR is when you experience symptoms of allergies like sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes all year round, instead of only during certain times of the year.


Traditionally, acupuncture has been used to treat allergic rhinitis in traditional Chinese medicine. In a clinical trial, the efficacy and safety of this intranasal acupuncture method were evaluated against the conventional Western medicine treatment for PAR. 

Clinical Trial

The trial involved 120 patients diagnosed with PAR who were randomly divided into two groups: one group received intranasal acupuncture treatment, while the other group received Western medicine treatment.


The intranasal acupuncture group received acupuncture treatment three times per week for two weeks, while the Western medicine group was treated with budesonide nasal spray and loratadine for two weeks. The primary outcome of the trial was to measure the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) scores, which are scores given by patients to rate the severity of their symptoms.


The trial results showed that VAS and Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality-of-Life Questionnaire (RQLQ) scores were significantly lower in the intranasal acupuncture group than in the Western medicine group on day 1 of the treatment. This means that patients in the acupuncture group reported less severe symptoms and better quality of life than those in the Western medicine group.

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Furthermore, overall symptoms, nasal obstruction, smell function, sleep, nasal symptoms, and emotional problems were significantly improved in the intranasal acupuncture group. Similarly, the VAS and RQLQ scores in both groups were significantly improved after two weeks of treatment, but there were no significant differences between the two groups.


During the follow-up period, there was a significant difference between the two groups, with higher VAS and RQLQ scores in the intranasal acupuncture group than in the Western medicine group. However, VAS scores for the nasal itch, runny nose, and smell function, as well as RQLQ scores for activities, non-nasal/eye symptoms, nasal symptoms, and eye symptoms, were significantly improved in the acupuncture group.


The trial concluded that intranasal acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for PAR, with immediate improvements in nasal congestion, sense of smell, and sleep. No adverse events were reported in either group during the trial.


If you suffer from persistent allergic rhinitis, intranasal acupuncture could be a good alternative to traditional Western medicine treatment. It is safe and effective and can provide immediate relief from some of the most bothersome symptoms of PAR.


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