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The Promising Role of Biosimilar Natalizumab in Multiple Sclerosis Treatment


Clinical trial finds that biosimilar natalizumab is effective and safe in treating multiple sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a complex neurological condition affecting many people worldwide. Among its various forms, relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) is common and can be challenging to manage. Advancements in medical research have led to the development of biosimilar medications, offering hope for MS treatment. An important clinical trial known as the Antelope trial has shed light on a significant development in this area.

Clinical trial

The trial aimed to compare the effectiveness, safety, and immune response of a proposed biosimilar version of natalizumab (biosim-NTZ), named PB006, with the original natalizumab (ref-NTZ) in individuals diagnosed with RRMS. This was a large-scale trial conducted across 48 centers in 7 countries, involving 264 adults with RRMS.


The primary goal was to evaluate changes in the brain detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) over 24 weeks. These changes, called new active lesions, are important indicators of MS progression. Encouragingly, the trial found that biosim-NTZ worked similarly to ref-NTZ in reducing the formation of new lesions in the brain by the 24th week of treatment.


The difference in the number of new lesions between the groups receiving biosim-NTZ and ref-NTZ fell within the expected range, indicating that both treatments had a comparable effect on reducing new lesion formation. Other measurements, such as how often relapses occurred and the level of disability, also did not show significant differences between the two treatments.


One critical aspect of the trial was assessing the safety and side effects of biosim-NTZ compared to ref-NTZ. Fortunately, both treatments showed similar safety profiles throughout the trial. No major differences were observed in the occurrence of side effects or in laboratory tests monitoring patients' health. Moreover, the development of specific antibodies related to MS or the medication itself was not significantly different between the two groups.

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These findings are promising and suggest that biosim-NTZ could be a valuable alternative for treating RRMS. By demonstrating similar effectiveness, safety, and immune response compared to the original medication, biosim-NTZ holds potential for individuals seeking reliable MS treatment options.


The Antelope trial marks a significant step forward in MS treatment by confirming the potential of biosimilar natalizumab, biosim-NTZ, as an effective and safe alternative to ref-NTZ for RRMS patients. This development not only broadens the range of treatment options available but also emphasizes the commitment to improving the lives of those affected by MS.


The Antelope trial represents a crucial milestone in the field of MS treatment, showcasing the promise of biosimilar natalizumab, biosim-NTZ, as a viable and safe option for individuals with RRMS. As further research progresses, biosimilar therapies like biosim-NTZ hold the potential to transform MS care, offering renewed hope and possibilities for individuals living with this challenging condition.


JAMA Network, Jan-23-23
ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04115488

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