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Oral Antibiotics prove Effective for Treating Bone and Joint Infections


Oral antibiotics prove effective in treating bone infections according to clinical trial

Can oral antibiotics be used to treat bone and joint infections? A clinical trial concludes it is safe and effective and allows patients to be treated at home, instead of in a hospital.

Osteomyelitis is defined as an infection in a bone. It is a serious condition that can result in long-term morbidity. Osteomyelitis affects about 2 to 5 out of every 10,000 people. It’s one of the oldest diseases on record. Scientists have traced it back more than 250 million years.

A clinical trial was conducted recently, aimed at comparing the efficacy of oral versus intravenous (IV) antibiotics for treating bone and joint infections.

Traditionally, these infections have been treated with IV antibiotics, which are delivered directly into the bloodstream through a vein. However, given the difficulty in using this route of administration and the medical expertise required to administer an IV injection, clinicians have been trying to explore the possibility of using oral antibiotics for treating this disease.

The OVIVA Clinical Trial compared the use of oral antibiotics with that of IV antibiotics for treating bone and joint infections. 1054 patients suffering from bone and joint infections were recruited for this clinical trial. The participants were assigned to receive either IV or oral antibiotics for the first 6 weeks. Participants in both groups were followed for 1 year to assess for evidence of treatment failure.

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Treatment failure was reported in 14.6% of the participants of the intravenous group compared to 13.2% of the patients who received oral antibiotics. This showed a difference of 1.4% between the two groups which indicated that oral antibiotics were just as effective as IV antibiotics in treating bone and joint infections and that there was no significant difference in the rates of treatment failure or complications between the two groups.

In addition, the clinical trial also found that patients who received oral antibiotics were able to go home earlier and had fewer side effects than those who received IV antibiotics.

The clinical study has important implications for patients, as it suggests that oral antibiotics could be a safe and effective alternative to IV antibiotics for treating bone and joint infections. This could help to reduce the length of hospital stays and lower treatment costs, while also improving patient comfort and quality of life.

The results of this clinical study are also significant for the medical community, as they challenge traditional assumptions about the best way to treat bone and joint infections.

In conclusion, the OVIVA Clinical Trial has found that oral antibiotics are a safe and effective alternative to IV antibiotics for treating bone and joint infections. This observation holds great significance for the patients as they can receive quality care at their homes at a low cost. It also has a wider significance for the health system as it reduces the burden on hospitals.

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