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Tailoring Treatment of Patients based on their Genetic Makeup


Doctors can individualize treatment based on genetic makeup

Have you ever wondered why a particular treatment may have worked for one patient but not for another, even though their conditions seem similar? Well, gene expression scoring may hold the answer to this question.

A clinical trial has investigated the use of gene expression scoring for treating vasodilatory shock patients with hydrocortisone.

Vasodilatory shock is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body's blood pressure drops significantly, leading to low oxygen levels in vital organs. It is a condition where the blood vessels dilate too much and blood pressure drops resulting in low delivery of blood to the vital organs.

Hydrocortisone is a steroid hormone that helps to reduce inflammation and increase blood pressure. It has been used as a treatment option in vasodilatory shock patients, however, its response has not been uniform in all patients.

Clinical Trial

In a clinical trial, researchers used a technique called gene expression scoring to measure the immune activity levels of patients with vasodilatory shock.

Gene expression scoring is a technique used to measure the activity levels of certain genes in the body. It has gained increasing attention and interest in the medical field, as it enables more precise and personalized treatment options for patients. By analyzing the activity levels of certain genes in the body, gene expression scoring can provide insight into how an individual's immune system is responding to a particular treatment.

The trial included 596 patients enrolled from 8 different countries suffering from vasodilatory shock. Genes associated with immune-adaptive (IA), immune-innate (IN), and immune-coagulant (IC) functions were identified and their levels were measured in these patients. The primary outcome was the death rate at 28 days after treatment.

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The results of the clinical trial showed that in patients with high levels of the IA gene, the mortality rates were higher (57.1%) with hydrocortisone. While these rates were lower in patients with high levels of IN gene. These results indicate that by using this gene expression scoring system, doctors can more accurately determine the response of hydrocortisone in each patient, resulting in better outcomes and fewer side effects.

The results of this clinical trial are significant because they indicate that the use of hydrocortisone may be beneficial in one set of patients while it may be harmful in the other set.

This means that by using the gene expression scoring system, doctors can optimize the use of hydrocortisone for each patient, reducing the risk of side effects and improving overall outcomes.

The use of gene expression scoring to determine the optimal use of hydrocortisone is an exciting development in the field of precision medicine. This approach allows doctors to tailor treatments to each individual patient based on their unique genetic makeup and immune activity levels.


The clinical trial shows that gene expression scoring can be a valuable tool in determining the optimal use of hydrocortisone for patients with vasodilatory shock. By measuring the immune activity levels of patients and developing a gene expression score, doctors can more accurately tailor treatments to each individual patient’s needs. This is an exciting development as it opens avenues for the use of gene expression in the management of other diseases as well.

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