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Should Antibiotics be used before Gall Bladder Surgery?


Clinical trial determines that antibiotics are not necessary before gall bladder surgery

Recently a clinical trial was conducted to determine whether we should use antibiotics before undergoing gallbladder surgery for gallstones.

The gallbladder is a small, pouch-like organ in the upper right part of your abdomen. It stores bile, a fluid produced by the liver that helps break down fatty foods. Gallbladder is not necessary for your survival, so it can be surgically removed if a disease such as a stone develops in it.

Gallstones are small stones usually made up of cholesterol and they affect a large number of people around the world. Cholecystectomy is the surgical removal of the gallbladder due to inflammation or infection, which can be caused by gallstones. The surgery is commonly performed to relieve pain and other symptoms. However, we do not know if antibiotics should be given before this surgery.

A clinical trial was conducted to determine whether antibiotics should be used before gallbladder surgery or not. 457 patients were recruited for this clinical trial. 226 patients were given a single dose of antibiotic before surgery while the remaining 231 patients received no antibiotic.

Infection after surgery was observed in 16 patients who took a single dose of antibiotic and 29 patients who did not take an antibiotic.

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The results of the clinical study showed that there was no significant difference in the rates of infection after surgery between patients who received antibiotics and those who did not. This suggests that antibiotic prophylaxis may not be necessary for all patients undergoing gallbladder surgery.

The clinical trial also found that using antibiotics did not reduce the number of days the patient had to be admitted to the hospital. In addition, they also did not reduce the number of reoperations.

This is important because the overuse of antibiotics can lead to the development of antibiotic resistance, which is a major public health concern.

The results of this clinical research are promising and suggest that the use of antibiotics for prophylaxis in gallbladder surgery may not always be necessary. This has important implications for reducing the overuse of antibiotics, which can help combat the development of antibiotic resistance.

In conclusion, the PEANUTS II clinical study provides important new evidence about the use of antibiotics before gallbladder surgery. These results suggest that it is not necessary to use antibiotics before every gallbladder surgery. As always, patients should consult with their healthcare provider to determine the best course of treatment for their situation.

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