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Clinical Trial determines Outpatient vs Inpatient Stapes Surgery is a Viable Option


Clinical trial determines that outpatient surgery is an effective option for some stapes surgery patients

Stapes surgery is a medical procedure that is used to treat hearing loss caused by a condition called otosclerosis. This condition affects the middle ear and can cause hearing loss. Traditionally, stapes surgery is done in a hospital, and patients need to stay for a few days after the procedure. However, a clinical trial has found that day-case stapes surgery may be a good option for some patients.

Clinical Trial

The trial was done in a hospital and looked at the effects of outpatient stapes surgery on hearing, quality of life, patient satisfaction, and complications. The study included 112 adult patients who needed stapes surgery.

The patients were randomly assigned to either the day-case or inpatient group. The researchers looked at how well the patients' hearing was after the surgery, as well as their quality of life, satisfaction, and any complications they experienced. They did this by using questionnaires and checking the patient's medical records for a year after the surgery.


The results of the trial showed that the hearing of the patients who had day-case surgery was just as good as the hearing of the patients who had inpatient surgery. The patients who had day-case surgery were also just as happy with their treatment as the patients who had inpatient surgery. However, some patients who had day-case surgery had to go back to the hospital because of complications like feeling sick or dizzy.

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The trial found that day-case stapes surgery is a good option for some patients. It can save money and reduce the risk of getting an infection from being in the hospital. However, it's not right for everyone. Some patients may have complications and need to go back to the hospital, so careful planning and choosing the right patients is important.

Overall, the study found that day-case stapes surgery is a good option for some patients who need this type of surgery. It's important for patients to talk to their doctors and see if day-case surgery is the right choice for them. They need to think about things like their health, how close they live to the hospital, and who can take care of them after the surgery.


Stapes surgery is a medical procedure used to treat hearing loss caused by otosclerosis. Day-case stapes surgery may be a good option for some patients. It's important for patients to talk to their doctors and decide what is the best option for them. Patients need to consider things like their health, their distance from the hospital, and who can take care of them after the surgery.


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