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Does the timing of Circumcision affect Breastfeeding?


Clinical trial finds that early circumcision results in longer exclusive breastfeeding

Breastfeeding provides numerous benefits to both the mother and the baby. Breast milk contains all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for healthy growth and development. It also has antibodies and other immune factors that help protect against infections and diseases. Additionally, breastfeeding has been shown to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, childhood obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

However, breastfeeding can be challenging for new mothers, especially in the early days and weeks after birth. Common issues include nipple soreness, engorgement, and difficulties with latching. These challenges can lead to feelings of frustration and discouragement, which can cause some mothers to stop breastfeeding altogether.

Circumcision is a common surgical procedure performed on newborn babies, which involves the removal of the foreskin covering the tip of the penis. A clinical trial aimed to find out if the timing of circumcision affects exclusive breastfeeding rates during the first 6 months of life.

Clinical Trial

The trial enrolled 148 mothers who wanted both circumcision and breastfeeding for their newborns. The babies were divided into three groups for circumcision: "early," within 24 hours of birth; "intermediate," between 24 to 72 hours of age; and "late," between 1 and 3 weeks of age. The primary goal was to see how long each group breastfed exclusively, which was assessed at discharge, 2 weeks, and 2, 4, and 6 months after birth.

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The study found that exclusive breastfeeding decreased more quickly in the intermediate group compared to the other two groups. This means that babies who were circumcised between 24 and 72 hours of age were less likely to be breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months of life compared to babies who were circumcised earlier or later.

This research suggests that newborn circumcision before 24 hours of age may be helpful in increasing exclusive breastfeeding throughout the first 6 months of life. Delaying circumcision beyond the immediate newborn period was not found to be better than performing the procedure within the first 24 hours.

The study's findings may help healthcare providers and parents make informed decisions about newborn circumcision and its timing. Circumcision is usually done for cultural, religious, and personal reasons. However, the decision to circumcise should also take into account potential medical benefits and risks, as well as the impact on breastfeeding outcomes.


The timing of newborn circumcision can have an impact on length of exclusive breastfeeding during the first 6 months of life. The trial's findings suggest that circumcision before 24 hours of age may be advantageous in increasing exclusive breastfeeding. Healthcare providers and parents should consider these findings when making decisions about newborn circumcision and its timing. Breastfeeding provides numerous benefits to both the mother and the baby, and it should be encouraged whenever possible.


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