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Does Blood Type Affect Hemostasis Time in Trauma Patients?


Clinical trial finds that all blood types are equal in terms of traumatic bleeding

Have you ever wondered about the relationship between a person's blood type and how long it takes to stop bleeding after an injury? If so, this research may be of interest to you. A clinical trial investigated the connection between a person’s blood type and the time it would take to stop bleeding if they suffered from physical trauma.

Trauma is a severe physical injury caused by an external force, and it is one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. When someone experiences trauma, their body may lose a lot of blood, leading to a life-threatening condition called hemorrhage.

Hemostasis is the process by which the body stops bleeding and begins to heal the injured tissues. Preliminary evidence supports an increased risk of mortality after major trauma among patients with type O blood. However, strong clinical trials justifying this assumption are not available.

Clinical Trial

A clinical trial published in the AACN Advances in Critical Care journal analyzed how patient blood type affects the time to achieve hemostasis after trauma and massive transfusion.

The researchers analyzed data from the Pragmatic, Randomized Optimal Platelet and Plasma Ratios trial which included 544 trauma patients who presented to a trauma center. The trial participants were divided into two groups according to their blood types. One group had a type O blood group while the other group had a non-type O blood group. The time required to attain hemostasis in these patients was measured and compared between the two groups.

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The clinical trial found that there was no significant difference in the time required to stop bleeding between the two groups of patients. This is in contrast to the previous assumptions that patients with non-type O blood would achieve hemostasis more quickly owing to the theoretical presence of increased clotting factors.

These findings are important because they suggest that the patient blood type does not play a significant role in the time to achieve hemostasis after trauma and transfusion. This shows that people with non-type O blood types are not at an increased risk of prolonged hemorrhage after trauma.

In addition, the study highlights the importance of maintaining an adequate supply of all types of blood products for trauma patients as all blood types are at an equal risk of hemorrhage-related complications.

The trial did demonstrate that the mechanism of injury, diastolic blood pressure, and international normalized ratio affected the time to hemostasis in these trauma patients.


In conclusion, the clinical study provides valuable insights into the role of patient blood type in the time to achieve hemostasis after trauma and transfusion. Healthcare providers should be aware of these findings and consider them when treating trauma patients to improve outcomes and reduce the risk of complications.

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