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Clinical Trial Examines the Effect of Physical Activity in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury


Clinical trial determines that physical activity improves cardiometabolic health in SCI patients

If you've recently injured your spinal cord, it might seem like every aspect of your life has been affected. Your injury might affect you mentally, emotionally, and socially. A clinical trial has searched for the relationship between physical activity and cardiometabolic risk factors in people with spinal cord injuries.

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a debilitating condition resulting from trauma to your backbone and the cord contained within it. It often causes permanent changes in strength, sensation, and other body functions below the site of the injury. It is a serious disease that can lead to long-term disability.

Impairment of physical functioning and environmental and psychological barriers usually discourage physical activity in these patients and approximately 50% of individuals with SCI are engaged in an inactive lifestyle. This reduction in physical activity is believed to cause reduced cardiorespiratory fitness, and detrimental changes in body composition and metabolic profile. It may also lead to an increased risk of cardiometabolic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and obesity.

However, it remains unclear whether physically active SCI individuals as compared to inactive or less active individuals have truly better cardiometabolic risk profiles.

A clinical trial has evaluated the relationship between physical activity and cardiometabolic risk factors in individuals with spinal cord injury.

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The clinical study was an analysis of 46 previously conducted clinical trials. It included 5,500 patients suffering from a spinal cord injury. One group of participants underwent different levels of physical exercise at home while the other group did not.

The results of the clinical study indicated that physical activity was associated with improved cardiometabolic risk factors, such as lower blood pressure, improved lipid levels, and better glucose control. Additionally, they found that higher levels of physical activity were associated with greater improvements in these risk factors.

This clinical trial suggests that physical activity can be a valuable tool in managing cardiometabolic risk factors, which can lead to better overall health outcomes. Of course, physical activity may need to be modified to account for the individual's specific injury and limitations. However, even small amounts of physical activity, such as regular stretching or gentle movements, can have a positive impact on cardiometabolic risk factors.

In conclusion, this clinical study provides valuable insights into the potential benefits of physical exercise for patients with SCI. It emphasizes the need to incorporate physical exercise programs in the rehabilitation of patients with SCI. It provides evidence that physical activity can have a positive impact on cardiometabolic risk factors in individuals with spinal cord injuries. 

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