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Improving Childhood Asthma Control by Integrating Air Quality Info


Clinical trial shows that helping kids check air quality helps them manage asthma

Asthma is a common condition among kids, causing trouble with breathing, and is often triggered by various factors, including air pollution. One way to manage it is by checking the Air Quality Index (AQI) before going outdoors. However, how useful this approach is for children with asthma remains to be determined.

Clinical trial

A clinical trial at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Children's Hospital aimed to figure out if adding AQI information to asthma action plans could help. The trial involved 40 children with persistent asthma, divided into two groups randomly. One group got standard asthma action plans and AQI education, while the other received extra printed AQI info and guidance on using AirNow.


For about six months, from July 2020 to March 2021, researchers closely watched these kids' asthma and how well they managed it. They used tests like the Asthma Control Test, Childhood Asthma Control Test, and Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire to measure their asthma control and quality of life.


The results showed some interesting things. First off, more kids in the group that got the extra printed AQI information checked the AQI before going outside. This showed that the extra info had an impact and made them more aware of air quality.

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However, when it came to the number of asthma flare-ups, there wasn't much of a difference between the two groups. But there was something significant about asthma control. The group with the extra AQI information showed better improvement in Asthma Control Test scores compared to the other group. This meant that having AQI info helped them manage their asthma better.

There was one surprising finding, though. Even though the kids were managing their asthma better, their physical activity decreased, especially in the group with access to AQI information. This decrease in activity was unexpected and needs more investigation.


This trial showed that giving kids extra information about the Air Quality Index in their asthma action plans helped them manage their asthma better. However, it also showed that this might have led to less physical activity, which was unexpected.


So, while it seems like a good idea to include AQI info in asthma plans to help control it, we also need to be careful. We don't want kids to miss out on physical activities that are important for their health. More research is needed to understand this better.

AJPM, Jan-13-23

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