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Potential Participants for only
$12.50 per Person

Clinical Trial Recruitment

How it Works

  • CenTrial does not market for specific trials so you can receive patient referrals from our database right away. No need to wait for results from your IRB-approved marketing ads.
  • People are automatically matched to your trial's inclusion/exclusion criteria.
  • They have given permission for you to view the 30-40 data points of their PHI.
  • Review their PHI in a secure extranet.
  • All matches are within 50 miles of your location.
  • Choose those you want to include in your trial, and contact them directly.
  • Keep contacts for use in other trials.
  • Instant notification when new people are matched to your trials.
  • Same low price whether patient or healthy volunteer.
  • No charge for your the first person we email to you.
  • Monthly billing on your credit card.
  • Cancel at any time without notice.
  • Full refund for all activity in the last 30 days if not satisfied.

What Your Colleagues are Saying

"We collaborated with CenTrial on a remote outpatient clinical trial, NIH Activ-6, and could not be happier with the results. From the start, working with CenTrial was easy. The startup process was very smooth, and we were in constant communication to make adjustments to promote appropriate referrals with a high enrollment rate. Our partnership with CenTrial allowed us to be one of the top enrolling sites for the clinical trial, and we look forward to working with them again in the future."
Jadestone Clinical Research, LLC
"We are super happy about your referrals. So far I believe we have contacted all of your controls and enrolled many." Dermatology Department Chair, NY State.

"I got more participants through CenTrial than all 4 of the other recruiting tools I used. It's really helped me a lot." Z.L.

"The medical information provided was very thorough and relevant to helping me decide on potential eligibility." K.T.

What Participants are Saying

"CenTrial is very easy to use. It is not like other platforms where I question the validity of it. There are no extra advertisements or spam emails that come along with it once signing up. It’s quick, easy and reliable. You fill out your basic profile, CenTrial sends you potential matches, and you confirm your interest. It is the only clinical trial site I will use. Thank you!" – Kim Ziegler
"I was recently matched with a Covid19 study. CenTrial made everything possible. They are pleasant and informative. I walked into my study confident and eager to start. Money's tight right now and the notification that said I was matched with a new study was music to my ears. I'll be using them again."
– Lynn L., Kansas

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CenTrial holds all information provided in complete confidence.