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Funding for Medical Research
and Clinical Trials

Funding Details for Thoracic

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Thoracic Surgery
American Association for Thoracic Surgery (AATS)
Type of Organization: Foundation
Email Address: admin@aatsfoundation.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: Eligibility Requirements
Early to mid-career thoracic surgeon (instructor & assistant professor level, between 3 and 8 years of initial faculty appointment).
Have an academic medical center faculty appointment.

Other info: This award provides up to $50,000 per year for up to 3 years for early to mid-career women and faculty underrepresented in medicine (defined by the AAMC) to develop the foundations for successful careers in academic cardiothoracic surgery. Awardees will additionally be invited to join the AATS Abstract Review Committee in the year of their award, and the AATS Foundation Award selection committee for the year following their award, with the aim of supporting academic mentorship and development.

Career Stage: Early Career Surgeons, Mid-Career Surgeons

Supported By: AstraZeneca

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