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Funding Details for Spinal

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Spinal Cord Injury
Craig H. Neilsen Foundation
Type of Organization: Foundation
Contact Name: Ehrica Hernandez
Email Address: ehrica@chnfoundation.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: ELIGIBILITY The following applies to all funding categories:
• Applicants must have a doctoral degree or equivalent professional degree (e.g., PhD, MD, DVM).  Non-fellowship applicants must demonstrate appropriate experience to serve as an independent PI. The Neilsen Foundation encourages submissions from eligible PIs who represent a wide range of disciplines; however, it is required that relevant SCI expertise is represented on the proposed research project team.
• The grantee organization must be a nonprofit academic/research institution or rehabilitation facility located in the United States or Canada with the capability to conduct grant-funded research.  The Applicant named in a grant application must be employed by and deemed eligible by the grantee organization to apply for a grant and is expected to be responsible for conduct of the research. The Applicant is not required to be a citizen of the United States or Canada.  Each application must include the appropriate endorsement of an institutional official who is responsible for the administration of grant funds (hereafter known as the “Grants Administrator”).
• Neilsen Foundation grants are not awarded to individuals, private foundations, or non-functionally integrated Type III supporting organizations.
• A PI may submit only one application in each cycle in this portfolio (see below: PART 3, B. Concurrent Grants Across Neilsen Foundation Portfolios).
• The Neilsen Foundation does not recognize Co-Principal Investigators—if two or more investigators are working together on a research project, name only one as the Applicant; the other(s) should be listed as collaborator(s). Collaborators and/or consultants do not need to be affiliated with the same institution as the PI; a subcontract may be used to support a domestic or international collaborator or consultant.
• Multiple PIs from an institution may submit concurrent, independent applications in a given grant cycle. In such cases, each project must be distinct, with non-overlapping Aims.
• The Neilsen Foundation discourages Postdoctoral Fellows and their mentor(s) from submitting concurrent applications with overlapping Aims to multiple funding categories within this portfolio.
• It may not be necessary to provide preliminary data. Neilsen Foundation funding may be sought to allow the Applicant to obtain data to establish a line of research if the proposal provides strong rationale (i.e., support from the literature or use in an indication other than SCI) that justifies testing the hypotheses with the proposed experimental design. However, if feasibility issues add an unacceptable risk of failure, reviewers may note that preliminary data to address this risk should have been provided.

Other info: Overview:
• This funding is intended to encourage pursuit of new avenues, enable paradigm shifts, or support decisive translational steps in developing SCI treatments. Applicants should propose transformative projects that explore new areas of SCI research or fill important gaps in the field.
• This category is for individuals who are established, independent investigators in a position equivalent to Associate Professor or above, employed at the grantee institution at the time of the FGA submission. • Key criteria include the importance of the proposed research and likelihood that success will move the field forward, the PI’s history of productivity and contributions to their field, and whether this research is a new direction for the established investigator. Applicants should carefully consider their qualifications and the relevance of their proposal to the Senior vs. Pilot Research Grant category before submitting an application. • Funding is for up to three years for a maximum total cost of $800,000. The budget for any year of the grant cannot exceed $300,000.

For More Information: https://chnfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/SCIRTS-2025-Application-Guide_FINAL-3.1.24-accessible.pdf

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