Speech, language, and hearing disorders
ASH Foundation
Type of Organization: Foundation
Email Address: foundationprograms@asha.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials:
✗ Research:
Funding Details
Requirements: Investigators must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the Clinical Research Grant.
The investigator must have received a PhD or equivalent research doctorate within the discipline of communication sciences and disorders or a related field.
The investigator must demonstrate the potential for, and commitment to, conducting independent research with a clear plan for applying for extramural research support.
The research must have significance and direct application to the development and evaluation of audiology or speech-language pathology intervention or assessment practices.
Experienced investigators should explain why the proposed work represents a new effort that is not fundable from existing research support or an extension of funding that is currently supporting or has supported related work.
Proposals submitted to the 2025 Clinical Research Grant competition cannot be submitted to other 2025 ASH Foundation grant competitions. However, the investigator remains eligible to submit to other ASHFoundation grant competitions in the same year, if proposing to investigate a different topic.
Other info: Next Competition will be offered in 2025.