Sleep and Circadian Research
Sleep Research Society Foundation
Type of Organization: Foundation
Email Address:
Funds Available for Clinical Trials:
✗ Research:
Funding Details
Requirements: SRSF Mentored Collaboration Grant Eligibility Checklist:
Mentee and Mentor must be and remain active SRS Members.
Mentee should be an early career member at the post-undergraduate level.
Mentor letter, including plans for collaborative research products, as indicated on application, and substantiation of fit.
Mentee intent/plans, goals for research products, budget, as well as a statement of need for collaboration to be in person.
A completed application.
If applicable, applicant must provide Visa documentation for travel to the intended mentor’s lab.
Mentee final report at end of one year, describing progress toward research products in relation to the intent, plans, and goals stated in the application.
Other info: The goal of the SRSF Mentored Collaboration Grant is to link trainees who have limited sleep/circadian mentoring options in their chosen field of interest to mentors that can provide rich, face-to-face opportunities in state-of-the-art research techniques and methods. The mentor-mentee relationship should extend beyond the face-to-face portion and, as appropriate, include mentorship via ongoing phone or web-based meetings over the course of the funded year. The expectation is that all mentor-mentee pairs to develop a research product such as an abstract for the SLEEP Meeting, manuscript, and/or grant proposal. This collaboration may be in the United States or abroad as long as both participants are active SRS Members.
Applications will open early next year.