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Funding for Medical Research
and Clinical Trials

Funding Details for Sleep

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Sleep Disorders
American Academy of Sleep Medicine Foundation (AASM)
Type of Organization: Foundation
Email Address: foundation@aasm.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: The following individuals are eligible to apply:

Sleep scientists (MD, DO, DDS, DMD, DNP, DNSc, PharmD, PhD, or equivalent) who are within 10 years of their terminal degree, post-doctoral training, or clinical training are eligible to apply.
Individuals must identify a research mentor with the skills, knowledge and resources to provide mentorship to the applicant in sleep and circadian research.
Individuals may apply for multiple AASM Foundation grants however, the same proposal (i.e., projects with budgetary and scientific overlap) may not be submitted for multiple requests for applications in a given cycle. Additionally, if an individual submits more than one application in a given Career Development Grant cycle, the AASM Foundation will only approve funding one grant should multiple proposals submitted by the applicant receive a competitive score.
Individuals who are the Principal Investigator on an open AASM Foundation research grant at the time of the application deadline are eligible to apply if they can demonstrate that there is no budgetary or scientific overlap between their open grant and the new project they are applying for funding. If there is budgetary and/or scientific overlap between projects, the applicant must indicate their plan to close their open grant in the event their new application is selected for funding (e.g., relinquish the current grant or complete the current grant to start the new grant).
International individuals who meet all the eligibility criteria are eligible to apply; however, payment of grant funds must be accepted by the institution in US dollars.

The following individuals are not eligible to apply:

Individuals who have received independent research funding of more than $250,000 are not eligible to apply. This does not apply to post-doctoral/ fellowship level training grants primarily covering the applicant’s salary (e.g., NRSAs).
Individuals who have a financial conflict of interest or have the potential to incur significant financial benefit from the proposed work and beyond the work itself are not eligible to apply.
Individuals who are seeking funding from AASM Foundation research grants to support ongoing projects that are currently funded by another granting body or supplement ongoing work (e.g., enrolling additional subjects into an ongoing trial) are not eligible to apply.
Note: The principal investigator will be required to make a statement to this effect prior to execution of the contract.

Current AASM and AASM Foundation Board of Directors members are not eligible to apply and cannot be listed as a PI, co-PI, key personnel, mentor (paid or unpaid) or paid consultant for one year after their term ends.
Note: In rare instances, AASM and AASM Foundation Board members may serve as unpaid consultants on an application, however, this requires Executive Committee approval prior to submitting the application.

Other info: Research Focus
This request for applications for the Focused Projects Grant for Junior Investigators is open to mentored projects that address one or more important unanswered scientific questions related to sleep, sleep disorders and/or sleep health.

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