SIR Foundation
Type of Organization: Foundation
Email Address:
Funds Available for Clinical Trials:
✗ Research:
Funding Details
Requirements: Applicants must be currently enrolled full-time in an accredited clinical radiology residency training program in a medical institution within the U.S. and Canada.
The applicant must designate a project advisor who will mentor the resident for the duration of the research project. The applicant must also receive a minimum three-month time commitment from their residency program to perform the research project. These three months do not have to be fully sequential.
Grant recipients will not be eligible for concurrent support through other SIR Foundation research grant programs.
Grant FAQs
Are multi-PI applications allowed?
Multi-PI applications are allowed. However, SIR Foundation’s ability to approve a multi-PI grant will be dependent upon the applicants’ institutional policy to execute a multi-PI agreement with SIR Foundation. A contact PI must also be established and identified at the time of application submission.
Can applicants apply for more than one SIR Foundation grant?
Yes, applicants are able to apply for more than one grant, but not in one grant cycle. Previous SIR Foundation grant awardees are also eligible and encouraged for the Reviewer-in-training Program.
I do not have an adviser or mentor, where can I find one?
If you are an SIR member, you access the Mentor Match Program where you can request a mentor that matches your specific interests in IR.
Can those in a SIR or SIR Foundation leadership role apply for a grant?
The Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) Foundation is a scientific nonprofit organization that was created for the purposes of advancing scientific knowledge in the field of interventional radiology, increasing the number of skilled investigators, and developing innovative therapies that lead to improved patient care and quality of life. It is critical to SIR Foundation that those serving in appointed leadership positions avoid conflicts of interest. The decisions and actions of those in our leadership positions must be made solely for the benefit of SIR Foundation.
1) SIR members currently serving in a leadership position in the SIR or SIR Foundation** are not eligible to apply for or receive new grant/research funding from the SIR Foundation during the term of their tenure.
2) A principal investigator (primary recipient or transfer recipient) of a SIR Foundation grant is not eligible to apply for or to receive further SIR Foundation funding until after the completion of the existing SIR Foundation funding. Completion includes submission of a Final Report to the SIR Foundation, and SIR Foundation signoff of that report.
** defined as: Board of Directors, members of the Steering Council, Clinical Specialty Councilors, Chair/vice Chair of an SIR/SIR Foundation Committee, Division or Section.
Other info: The purpose of the Radiology Resident Research Grant is to foster an interest in research among young investigators by funding a research project conducted by a radiology resident in an area identified by SIR Foundation as important to advancing interventional radiology and patient care.