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Funding Details for Parkinsons

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Parkinson Disease
American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA)
Type of Organization: Foundation
Contact Name: Elvin Yao
Email Address: eyao@apdaparkinson.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details


Other info: The APDA Diversity in PD Research Grant is a one-year grant to study the health inequities and/or differences among under-studied PD communities, across the spectrum of ethnicity, ancestry, geography, socioeconomic conditions, and gender. This award is open to all researchers.

Current research has established the following:

Diagnosis of PD among some under-studied communities is delayed.
Some under-studied communities are less likely to receive quality PD care.
Clinical trial enrollment among certain under-studied communities does not match their representation in the population.
Differences among various under-studied PD populations have not been fully explored.
Projects should address one of these four issues. Projects can be designed to detect inequities or differences, understand the reasons for the inequities or differences, or test an intervention to improve disparities.

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