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Funding for Medical Research
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Funding Details for Parkinsons

Use the contact information shown for the organization to apply for the funding.
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American Parkinson Disease Association
Type of Organization: Foundation
Contact Name: Elvin Yao
Email Address: eyao@apdaparkinson.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: All research scientists in the field of Parkinson’s research can apply, including scientists from outside the US. The selection committee will more favorably consider researchers who are new to the field of Parkinson’s disease.

Application Process and Proposal
Required information in the Letter of Intent:

Provide an overview of research activities to be carried out. You can upload figures in supplemental materials. (400 words)
Highlight the novelty of the current research as well as the relevance and potential significance of the findings to the PD community (100 words)
Indicate collaborations with other internal or external researchers/organizations. (50 words)
Explain why your institution and your lab are equipped to perform this research (100 words)
Provide a narrative of how the budget will be allocated (% personnel, % equipment, etc.) (50 words)
Citations (unlimited)
In addition, the applicant’s NIH biosketch is required.

Other info: APDA Research Grants are intended to support research aimed at developing new insights into the pathophysiology, etiology and/or treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Grant proposals can address research questions anywhere along the pipeline from basic science to rehabilitation-focused projects. APDA seeks to promote the entry of new investigators into the field of Parkinson research, as well as to support important new ideas in the field worthy of investigation.

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