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Funding Details for Otolaryngology

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Type of Organization: Foundation
Email Address: COREGrants@entnet.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: Otolaryngologists in the United States or Canada are eligible to apply for the AAO-HNSF Rande H. Lazar Health Services Research Grant. Applicants may be independent practitioners, residents or fellows in an approved training program, or practitioners affiliated with academic or similar institutions. All applicants must be members in good standing of AAO-HNS; Associate and Corresponding Members are not eligible to apply as Principal Investigator but may participate actively in the proposed project. Past recipients of AAO-HNSF grants are eligible to apply, as are individuals who have competed successfully for independent research grant support from a private or federal funding agency. Special consideration will be given to projects with a socioeconomic focus, however projects that look to develop and disseminate scientific information on the effects of otolaryngology services and procedures on patients' survival, health status, functional capacity, and quality of life will also be accepted for consideration.

Other info: The purpose of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNSF) Rande H. Lazar Health Services Research Grant is to support the gathering of socioeconomic data for otolaryngology. The award is intended to promote increased participation by otolaryngologists in the rapidly expanding area of health services research.

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