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Funding for Medical Research
and Clinical Trials

Funding Details for Neurological

Use the contact information shown for the organization to apply for the funding.
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Parkinson’s Foundation
Type of Organization: Foundation
Email Address: Grants@parkinson.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: This award is open to scientists with a PhD or MD, regardless of nationality or location. Only independent investigators are welcome to apply. We will consider applications from Instructors who can demonstrate that they will begin a tenure-track position (as shown by a support letter from their department chair). All applications must demonstrate a significant research focus and impact on PD.

Other info: Impact Awards are designed for researchers both established and new to the field of PD. Projects should be "outside the box" with the goal of bringing new light to the biology of Parkinson's, a new approach to Parkinson’s research, or testing a truly novel therapeutic idea. Projects should be based on unconventional ideas that are unlikely to be funded through more traditional funding mechanisms. Our goal is to provide the support that will enable researchers to test new ideas with an impact to the PD community and generate compelling results that will facilitate continued investment from the Parkinson’s Foundation and other funders.

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