Headache Disorders
National Headache Foundation
Type of Organization: Foundation
Contact Name: Dr Timothy R Smith
Email Address: tsmith@studymetrix.com
Funds Available for Clinical Trials:
✗ Research:
Funding Details
Requirements: Preference will be given to proposals for projects which:
Can be completed in one to two years or less.
Propose research which is patient-centric and includes patient input into design.
Emphasizes and leads to results which could have real world application for headache sufferers in the near-term.
Have potential or plans for supplemental, matching, sustainable, or in-kind funding sources.
Provide answers or solutions to real-world problems dealing with access to care, implementation of innovations in headache management, or develop new ways of understanding the plight of those who suffer from severe headache disorders.
Involve development or utilization of novel measures of patient reported outcomes, especially for interventions and endpoints important to patients.
Other info: The National Headache Foundation supports research in the field of headache and pain as part of our mission, which also includes offering education and information to people living with migraine disease and headache disorders.