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Funding Details for Neurological

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Friedreich's Ataxia
Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA)
Type of Organization: Foundation
Email Address: grants@curefa.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: All FARA grantees must submit annual scientific and financial reports using FARA’s grant submission portal. For Graduate Research Fellowships, a yearly statement of continuing support by the mentor is also required. The required frequency of reports will be stated in the formal funding agreement with FARA. Each report must be submitted to the portal as a PDF file.

Continuation funding will not be provided until all required progress reports are received and reviewed by the FARA SRC, and approved for funding by the FARA Executive Committee.

Any rebudgeting of funds requires prior FARA approval. Please submit rebudgeting requests by email at grants@curefa.org indicating the amount to be rebudgeted, spending categories involved and an explanation of why the rebudgeting is needed.

FARA also encourages investigators to present their FARA-funded research at least once during the course of their grant at the FARA Forum, on a mutually agreed upon date. The Forum is a monthly webinar open to FARA grant awardees and the FARA Scientific Advisory Board and it is held on the second Tuesday of every month.

Instructions and Format for Progress and Final Project Reports
Interim progress reports are due by the end of the annual project period (unless more frequent reports are requested). The Final report is due no later than one month after the end of the grant. The reports must include the following sections:

Lay summary of progress towards achieving goals and research plans for the next year, including significance of work to development of therapies for FA (maximum of 500 words).
Executive summary that outlines in bulleted-format all proposed goals achieved and a results overview.
Assessment of milestone achievement the year of work completed and – for grants awarded two years of funding – for the year of work to come.
Scientific report of research results and progress against milestones and research objectives for upcoming term of grant (maximum of four pages).
List of publications and presentations that have resulted from FARA funding for this project (Provide a PDF of each publication).
Patents received/pending and products developed because of FARA funding for this project.
Other grants received by the FARA grantee for FA research projects over the past year (agency, title, funding period, overlap with this FARA project).
Budget status
Financial report documenting allocation/use of funds expended from grant during term of award.
As stipulated in the contractual agreement with FARA, an official financial statement from the recipient institution must be received no later than three months after the end of the grant year.
Amount and justification of request for the next project period, if applicable.
At the end of the funding period, unspent funds must be returned to FARA unless a request for carryover to the next grant period or a request for a no-cost extension is submitted to FARA.
Request for a No-cost Extension and/or Carryover of Funds
A request for a no-cost extension of up to one year will be considered if the reason for the request is compelling. This request needs to be submitted as part of the progress report. The investigator must explain why the funds were not spent, why the extension is needed, and how the carry-over funds will be used to advance the research project.

For a 2-year grant, FARA will consider a request for carry-over funds at the end of the first year. The request must be submitted as part of the first year progress report, and a detailed explanation must be provided.

If circumstances arise during the funding period that interfere with the progress of the funded research and make it likely that a request will be made for a no-cost extension and/or carry-over of funds, the investigator is strongly advised to inform FARA immediately.

Other info: The Keith Michael Andrus Cardiac Research Award was made in honor of its namesake to remember Keith’s legacy and to help advance our understanding and treatment of cardiomyopathy associated with FA. Proposals for this award should focus on advancing understanding and/or treatment of the cardiac involvement in FA.

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