Funding for Medical Research
and Clinical Trials
Funding Details for Neurological
Use the contact information shown for the organization to apply for the funding.
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Brain Research
Brain Research Foundation
Type of Organization: Foundation
Email Address:
Funds Available for Clinical Trials:
✗ Research:
Funding Details
Requirements: Eligibility
To be eligible, PI must be a full-time Assistant or Associate Professor at an invited US academic institution, working in the area of studies of brain function. This includes molecular and clinical neuroscience as well as studies of neural, sensory, motor, cognitive, behavioral and emotional functioning in health and disease. The grant proposal must detail a new research project that is not funded by other sources. This grant is not to be used as bridge funding. Investigators at institutions that are affiliated with a medical school or university are eligible to apply only through the institution where they hold a full-time faculty position. Scientists that have previously received a BRF Seed Grant may not receive the award for a second time unless all grant requirements from all previous awards are met. Only one PI may apply per application.
Other info: Objectives: The objective of the BRF Seed Grant Program is to support new and innovative projects, especially those of junior faculty, who are working in new research directions. BRF Seed Grant awards are not intended to supplement existing grants.