Funding for Medical Research
and Clinical Trials
Funding Details for Mental Health
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International OCD Foundation
Type of Organization: Foundation
Email Address:
Funds Available for Clinical Trials:
✗ Research:
Funding Details
Requirements: Eligible principal investigators must be current graduate students, or must have completed their residency or PhD (or equivalent) on or after September 1, 2019 (Note: exceptions to this restriction will be considered on a case-by-case basis — please contact with any questions). Applicants who are still in training must submit a letter from their mentor with their application. You may include study personnel, consultants, etc. in your application who do not meet these requirements, but they cannot occupy a PI or co-PI role.
Other info: The IOCDF is grateful for the opportunity to once again offer the Michael Jenike Young Investigator Awards to junior researchers investigating OCD and related disorders. The intent of these awards is to support promising young investigators who are developing their careers while pursuing creative and impactful research projects on OCD and related disorders across a range of disciplines.