Funding for Medical Research
and Clinical Trials
Funding Details for Lupus
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Lupus Research Alliance
Type of Organization: Charity
Contact Name: Mara Lennard Richard
Email Address:
Funds Available for Clinical Trials:
✗ Research:
Funding Details
Other info: The Lupus Research Alliance Postdoctoral Award to Promote Diversity in Lupus Research ($170,000 over 2 years for fellows with no more than 4 years of postdoctoral training) is designed to attract qualified and promising underrepresented minority scientists and provides them with robust and sustained support that will help them generate scientific data and unique research ideas necessary to ultimately transition to an independent researcher role in areas that reflect the strategic research priorities of the Lupus Research Alliance, including defining lupus heterogeneity and stratifying patients by active disease mechanism to advance new therapeutics.
Renews Every Year
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