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Funding for Medical Research
and Clinical Trials

Funding Details for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Kenneth Rainin Foundation
Type of Organization: Foundation
Email Address: communications@krfoundation.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: Researchers

Researchers from any scientific discipline worldwide are eligible for funding.
Typically, the researchers we fund hold advanced degrees (MD, PhD or the equivalent) and academic positions at universities, medical centers or research institutions.
Innovator Awards may only have one Principal Investigator, and funding is awarded to their home institution. Additional investigators may be included as Co-Investigators, and the lead institution can create subawards.
Postdocs are not eligible to apply as a Principal Investigator.
Current and former Rainin Foundation grantees are eligible to apply.
Researchers may submit multiple proposals, as long as there are distinct aims and objectives for each proposal.

All nonprofit institutions must be classified as “not a private foundation” under Section 509(a)(3).
If a proposal from a nonprofit institution outside of the United States is ultimately recommended for funding, the institution will be required to undergo an Equivalency Determination process. The Rainin Foundation contracts with NGOsource to manage this process. Institutions outside of the United States do not need to provide any documentation during the two-stage application process.
For-profit institutions must demonstrate that their proposed project furthers the Foundation’s charitable mission of advancing biomedical research.
The Foundation may upon occasion make grants to government and public agencies, as well as to independent projects that have a qualified tax-exempt fiscal sponsor.
Institutions can submit more than one proposal at a time for the same or different Principal Investigator.
The Foundation Does Not Fund:

Direct assistance to individuals or individual sponsorships
Sports, athletic events or league sponsorships
Advertising or promotional sponsorships
Deficits or retroactive funding
Fraternal organizations
Organizations that discriminate based on religion, race, sexual orientation or gender
Use Of Human And Animal Subjects

Grant recipients using human or animal subjects must provide documentation of approval from the appropriate review committee within 90 days of award start date

Other info: The Innovator Awards Program enables researchers worldwide to test ideas and collaborate to advance the understanding of IBD.

This Award Renews Every Year.

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