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Funding for Medical Research
and Clinical Trials

Funding Details for Hematology

Use the contact information shown for the organization to apply for the funding.
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American Society of Hematology (ASH)
Type of Organization: Charity
Email Address: awards@hematology.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: Eligibility Requirements
At the time of application, the applicant must:

Be an ASH member in good standing or have a membership application pending. To verify your membership status, please log in to your ASH account. Not an ASH member yet? Take the first step. Submit your membership application at least three weeks prior to the application deadline to allow sufficient time for processing.
Be a first-, second-, or third-year medical student actively enrolled in an MD or DO medical program in an LCME or AOA COCA (or its equivalent) accredited medical school in the United States or Canada and be in good standing relative to his/her course work.
Be planning an investigative career in laboratory, translational, or clinical hematology research.
Propose a hematology research project that will be exclusive to the applicant and will be conducted within the mentor’s lab. The project may take place at the institution where the applicant is in medical school or at another institution with sufficient activity in hematology research and education, as judged by the award study section.
Plan to conduct the research at an institution that will allow for continued enrollment in medical school and/or will provide an alternative mechanism for the student to maintain health, dental, and vision insurance during the award term (up to $5,500 in funding is provided for premiums for this insurance).
Agree to spend more than 80 percent of his/her time conducting research during the one-year experience; some clinical shadowing of hematologists or related providers during the year is allowed.
Have a research mentor who is an ASH member in good standing and has active research funding in hematology from the NIH or an equivalent organization. The mentor will assist in completing the program application, oversee the award recipient’s work, aid the recipient in his/her research, and ensure that the recipient meets all deadlines.
The following individuals are not eligible to apply:

Individuals who are currently enrolled in a combined MD-PhD program (students who earned a PhD prior to medical school will be considered on an individual basis if their field of PhD study lies outside of biomedical science)
Individuals who have other concurrent funding for a similar experience

Other info: The ASH Medical Student Physician-Scientist Award provides an opportunity for first-, second-, and third-year medical students to gain experience in hematology research under the mentorship of an ASH member and to learn more about the specialty. Awardees must agree to spend more than 80 percent of their time during the immersive, year-long project conducting laboratory, translational, or clinical hematology research.

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