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Funding Details for Heart

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Cardiovascular Investigation
University of Minnesota (Lillehei Heart Institute)
Type of Organization: University
Contact Name: Jessica Wilde
Email Address: jabehm@umn.edu
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: Eligibility and Required Documents
Applications should have 2 PIs, one of whom must be an LHI member. See med.umn.edu/lhi/membershipfor information about becoming an LHI member. The second PI must be a member of another Medical School Center, Institute, or Program.
PIs must have faculty appointments at the University of Minnesota.
Grants will be awarded to the LHI PI (contact PI) who will set up a child account for the co-PI.
Each faculty can only submit 1 proposal where they’re listed as PI, but there is no limit to the number of applications where they are listed as a co-investigator.
Applications should include the following, using NIH format and fonts:
An NIH biosketch for each PI and co-I should be incorporated in the PDF.
A title page listing the PIs and co-Is and their departmental and Medical School Center, Institute, or Program affiliation with signatures is required but not part of the 5 page-limit.
A reference list of citations is required but not part of the 5 page-limit.
An itemized budget is required but not part of the 5 page-limit (Note: Funds may used for staff or postdoc salary but not for faculty salary).
The following elements within a 5 page-limit:
(1) Short background, (2) Hypothesis, (3) Specific Aims, (4) Approach, (5) Research team and synergy, (6) Plan for obtaining federal level funding, (7) Milestones

Other info: The goal of the Collaborative Pilot Grant mechanism is to stimulate interdisciplinary research in cardiovascular investigation. The Lillehei Heart Institute will fund 2 multiple-PI projects where 1 PI has to be a member of the LHI and the other PI has to be a faculty member of another Medical School Center/Institute/Program. The awards will provide $75K per year for 2 years of funding with the expectation that the PIs submit a research proposal to a federal granting agency before the end of the award period.

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