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Funding for Medical Research
and Clinical Trials

Funding Details for Cancer

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All Areas of Cancer
Virginia Commonwealth University
Type of Organization: University
Email Address: WinnCDA@vcu.edu
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: Mentorship is a critical aspect of the Winn CDA. Mentors provide guidance on career and professional development with a particular focus on challenges, opportunities, and strategies for researchers from underserved backgrounds. Through this process, mentors will share personal experiences that have influenced their career pathways.

It is estimated that clinical trial activities will comprise 75% of a mentor’s activities. Mentors will engage scholars in actively conducting an existing clinical trial and provide exposure to all aspects of clinical trial administration and implementation. The remaining 25% of mentors’ focus will be on career, personal, and professional mentoring.

Mentor/scholar interaction requirements include at least four meetings per month, of which three will be related to clinical trial research related activities.

Other info: The Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials Award Program

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