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Funding Details for Cancer

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All Areas of Cancer
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Type of Organization: Government
Contact Name: Gurvaneet Randhawa
Email Address: Gurvaneet.Randhawa@nih.gov
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:
Applications close 2026-03-17

Funding Details

Requirements: This NOSI encourages research focused on patient-provider interactions including, but not limited to, studies that:

Examine the utilization and effectiveness of telehealth for primary and secondary cancer prevention such as counseling for tobacco, alcohol, physical activity, diet, HPV vaccination, and mental health; providing genetic counseling for germline mutations; shared decision making for preference-sensitive cancer screening tests; and improving adherence to cancer screening.
Evaluate the effectiveness of telehealth interventions aiming to increase cancer screening rates, improve the accuracy and timeliness of cancer diagnoses and resultant staging, and initiate appropriate cancer treatment.
Evaluate the effectiveness of telehealth in improving treatment and management of cancer and/or the provision of palliative care.
Evaluate the use of telehealth to support cancer survivors, including psychosocial care, surveillance for adverse effects of cancer treatments, recurrence of cancer, and treatment of co-morbidities.
Evaluate the impact of telehealth on patient, family, and caregiver experiences with care and quality of life in the context of cancer care.
Evaluate the quality and effectiveness of telehealth interactions in promoting patient-centered communication.
Understand the tasks, and the time and cognitive burden of performing the tasks, imposed by the telehealth interactions on patients and their caregivers.

Other info: Telehealth encompasses a variety of clinical interactions and communication modalities. As defined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), “telehealth, telemedicine, and related terms generally refer to the exchange of medical information from one site to another through electronic communication to improve a patient’s health.” The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) extends this definition to include the use of telecommunications technologies to support distant clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education, public health, and health administration.

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