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Funding for Medical Research
and Clinical Trials

Funding Details for Cancer

Use the contact information shown for the organization to apply for the funding.
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Melanoma Research Foundation
Type of Organization: Foundation
Email Address: research@melanoma.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

• Applications must focus on an aspect of melanoma research.
• Applications must propose translational or clinical work that utilizes human specimens
(e.g., blood, tissue, etc.), macromolecules derived from human tissue (e.g., RNA, DNA,
protein), or patient reported outcome measures. Please note: this grant is not to support
the conduct of a clinical trial; however, it could support correlative or bioinformatic work
that accompanies a clinical trial. Further, although patient-derived xenograft work would
be eligible for funding, work conducted solely on tissue culture cell lines would not be
• Successful applications will detail how their findings may lend themselves to larger,
multicenter grant proposals.
• Applicants must hold a PhD or MD degree or equivalent at the time of submission.
• Applicants can be post-doctoral and/or research fellows, research
associates/scientists, instructors, or professors (either assistant, associate, or full) at
the time of submission. Both tenured and non- tenured track faculty are encouraged to
• Any associate or full professors that apply MUST include a more junior faculty member
(at any level) as part of the application.
• The grant applicant (PI) must be from a MRFBC institution. Co-PIs/ key personnel
may be from non- MRFBC sites. A list of the MRFBC institutions can be found on the
MRF website at https://melanoma.org/research-science/scientific-initiatives-2/mrfbreakthrough-consortium-mrfbc/.
• American citizenship is not required. However, the proposed research must be
conducted in a non- profit research organization, medical institution, or educational
institution located in the United States.
• Proposed research cannot be identical to a currently awarded MRF grant. Further,
applicants are eligible to respond to other MRF RFPs, as long as the research
proposals are significantly different.
• Proposed research must comply with all applicable National Institutes of Health (NIH)
animal and human welfare guidelines.
• Applicants are encouraged to discuss any eligibility questions with the MRF prior to
submitting an application

Other info: This one-year pilot proposal for $50,000 focuses on clinical/ translational research. The Document attached contain step-by-step guide to apply for this grant.

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