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Funding Details for Cancer

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Melanoma Research Alliance (MRA)
Type of Organization: Foundation
Contact Name: Kris’tina Ackerman
Email Address: kackerman@curemelanoma.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: • Team must be multidisciplinary, and consist of two or more established Principal Investigators, one of whom is designated the Administrative PI, a Young Investigator with complementary expertise, and a Mentor for the Young Investigator; • Teams may consist of investigators from the same institution, or different institutions, and may be international; • The designated Administrative PI is responsible for administrative leadership. All Principal Investigators on the team share authority for scientific leadership; • The Administrative PI and any other Principal Investigators on the team must be senior investigators, past the initial five years of their first academic faculty appointment and must hold a full-time faculty appointment at the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent) or above. Co-PIs are not allowed. Other investigators on the team need to be designated as Co-Investigators, Collaborators, or Consultants. See Step #6 under the Application Instructions below for additional details and descriptions of these roles; • An investigator may serve as a PI, including Administrative PI or as a Principal Investigator on a Team, on only one proposal this cycle; • Each team must include at least one Young Investigator and a designated Mentor for the Young Investigator (the Mentor is not required to have any additional role within the team), whose work must be integral to one or more of the aims of the proposal (see and comply with all Young Investigator eligibility criteria below); • All Young Investigators on Team Science Award applications must complete the Applicant Eligibility Checklist and upload it as an attachment with the LOI. • An investigator may only be the designated Young Investigator on one application in the Team Science Award category. However, a Young Investigator identified within a Team Science Award application may also apply in the same cycle for their own, individual Young Investigator Award provided that application has a unique research focus and hypothesis. • Applicants must identify an industry partner at the time of application. • Industry scientists may serve as Co-investigators or Collaborators, but may not be PIs.

Other info: The Academic-Industry Partnership Award (for Teams) is designed to enhance translational research by extending academic capabilities to clinical investigations and to facilitate interactions between the academic and industrial research sectors. These awards will be co-funded by MRA and an industry partner whose involvement is essential to the project.

Term: 3 years

Instructions: https://www.curemelanoma.org/assets/Uploads/MRA-2023-2024-RFP-Final.pdf

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