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Funding for Medical Research
and Clinical Trials

Funding Details for Cancer

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Leukemia & Lymphoma
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Type of Organization: Foundation
Email Address: researchprograms@lls.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: Citizenship
The program welcomes applications worldwide from appropriate academic institutions and investigators of any nationality.

Applicants must hold a medical degree (MD or ex-US equivalent). Other advanced degrees (OD, PharmD, PhD) will be considered. Non-independent investigators such as clinical fellows, residents, postdoctoral fellows, instructors, etc. are not eligible.

Leadership and Staffing
The Application will require one Principal Investigator (PI) who is responsible for the preparation and submission of the proposal including budget, the conduct of the research programs, and adherence with all stipulations made by LLS in this document, the LLS Policies & Procedures document, and in the funding agreement, if funded.

The Principal Investigator (PI):
• MUST be a person (companies or institutions are not eligible). • MUST be an independent investigator, with demonstrated experience and training to be able to organize, manage and implement the clinical trial to meet milestones and timelines, and to protect the rights and welfare of the human subject participants. • MUST be an established investigator, defined as a researcher with 3 or more years in an independent faculty appointment. • May only submit one ACT application per program cycle; and cannot serve as a PI or Co- PI on more than ONE ACT application per cycle. If applying to another LLS program, the goals of each proposal must be substantially different. • CAN serve as a Collaborator on other applications provided the aims differ.
Not eligible to apply for a grant in this program:
• Clinical fellows, residents, postdoctoral fellows, or instructors are not eligible.
A Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI):
• MUST be a person (companies or institutions are not eligible) • MUST be an independent investigator with an independent appointment, with demonstrated experience and training to organize, manage, and implement their portion of the clinical trial and/or project to meet milestones and timelines. • If the PI has the necessary track record in blood cancer research, a Co-PI with complementary experience may strengthen the proposal but is not required. • May be named as PI or Co-PI on one application per ACT program cycle. • CAN serve as a Collaborator on other applications provided the aims differ. • MUST be designated at the LOI phase.

Other info: The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) recognizes the scientific and clinical merit of research developed and conducted by independent investigators affiliated with academic institutions. Such investigator-initiated trials (IITs) play an important role in developing experimental agents to address unmet medical needs, expanding the use of approved therapeutics, and improving the use of novel treatment regimens in real-world clinical settings. To support this important aspect of research, LLS created the Academic Clinical Trials Program (ACT) in 2022-23, and now presents a second request for applications.

Applications Open in the Fall 2024.

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