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Funding Details for Cancer

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Fanconi Anemia
Fanconi Cancer Foundation
Type of Organization: Foundation
Email Address: grants@fanconi.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: Researchers who hold a PhD, MD, or equivalent degree from both US and international academic, nonprofit, or for-profit institutions are invited to apply. Researchers previously funded by FCF, or those new to the FA field, including assistant, associate, and full professors, are all encouraged to apply.

FCF encourages early stage investigators – defined as an individual who has not received a FCF grant as a principal investigator OR is within their first five years of their first academic appointment at the level of Assistant Professor or the equivalent – to apply. FCF encourages early stage investigators to collaborate with senior investigators who have demonstrated scientific productivity either in the Fanconi anemia field or in fields of particular relevance to Fanconi anemia pathology and molecular pathogenesis.

Other info: The Fanconi Cancer Foundation (FCF) seeks to fund interdisciplinary and translational research efforts that will lead to rapid discovery and development of therapies or strategies that treat, control, or cure Fanconi anemia (FA). Research proposals must address one or more of our research priorities:

Top Priority: To define the pathogenesis of Fanconi associated cancers, and to develop strategies for prevention, early detection, treatment, and cure.

Other Priorities:

Novel Therapies: To develop ex vivo and in vivo gene therapy and gene editing technologies for FA.
Bone Marrow Failure: To identify factors predictive of bone marrow failure, myelodysplastic syndrome, and leukemia, and associated treatment for high-risk populations.
Manifestations of FA: To understand, prevent, and treat systemic, inflammatory, and aging manifestations of FA, including but not limited to: Fanconi Anemia Neurological Syndrome (FANS), endocrine and fertility issues.
Quality of Life: To identify practical and proactive management strategies that families and persons with FA can use to develop and maintain a high quality of life.
Data Analytics: To use data analytics to identify biomarkers, hypotheses, risk predictions, and treatment for FA.
Resource Sharing: To develop shared research resources and systems for allocation (i.e., tissue samples, cell lines, model systems, and data).

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